32 weeks

when: monday, jan. 16, 2012

what i wore:

cardigan: american apparel

dress: borrowed, one september (thanks, gwenie!)

leggings: be maternity

boots: steve madden

where: work, midwife appointment 

  • baby’s heart rate at this week’s appointment = 140 bpm
  • total weight gain = 15 pounds
  • i’m starting to feel a longing in my heart to meet this little girl. i often wonder what her little face looks like, and what color her hair is. eric and i are both so excited to get to know her.
  • eric put a flashlight on my belly and we loved watching/feeling her respond. he also played our favorite music for her. it was really special family time and i didn’t want it to end!
  • i know this is selfish, but i am very eager to get back into my old jeans and clothes.
  • i had a dream last week that we found out we were having twin girls and we couldn’t think of another name. when will these crazy, crazy dreams stop?
  • it’s kind of amazing that i haven’t gotten sick once during my pregnancy. i usually get a sinus infection every november, but not this year! and while many of my co-workers are calling in sick, i’m feeling great.
  • we finished our birth class and are preparing our birth plan…TWO MONTHS to go!