34 weeks


jacket / Madewell
shirt / American Apparel
jeans / H&M MAMA
shoes / Target

  • How far along: 34 weeks
  • What's new:
    • I had a nonstress test, midwife visit and ultrasound this week. Nonstress tests are awesome. "We're going to lock you in a quiet room for 30 minutes so you can put your feet up and listen to your baby's heartbeat. Can we get you some juice or water? Do you want to watch TV?" They kept apologizing for how long it was taking, and I was like "You do realize I live with a toddler, right? I could do this all day."
    • I seem to get a new diagnosis with each appointment (this time I have a vaginal bacterial infection), but I will never get tired of hearing "Your baby looks great." It's been so up and down since learning about my abnormal placenta.
    • I've had seven ultrasounds with this pregnancy, but it sounds like that will be it! I will have weekly nonstress tests until I deliver.
  • Baby's size: 5 lbs, 2 oz (!). The ultrasound tech said this week that he has wide and long feet, good foot arches, chubby fingers, no hair and that "he's going to be a beautiful baby."
  • Total weight gain: 18 pounds (I gained six pounds in two weeks! I may have eaten an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting...)
  • Baby's heart rate: 150 bpm
  • Maternity clothes: I am starting to get uncomfortable in most clothes. Luckily the warmer weather is here so I can get away with dresses, leggings and shorts instead of jeans.
  • Gender: Boy
  • Movement: He has always been very active!
  • Symptoms:
    • Warmer body temp (hormones!)
    • Dry, tired eyes
    • Back aches
    • Throwing up in my mouth daily (so weird)
    • Swollen feet at the end of the day
    • Fast-growing fingernails and hair
  • Sleep: Sleep is starting to worsen. I wake up nearly every hour to flip over to my other side. But I shouldn't complain because I still get about seven hours a night. I think the night before Rooney was born I got four hours.
  • What I miss: Being able to move quickly and keep up with Rooney. Carrying around 18 extra pounds is hard on the body!
  • Cravings: Ice cream, sour candy, chocolate toffee
  • Nursery update: His nursery items are mostly ready...we just need to put it all together :-) We also still need to clean up the rock-n-play sleeper, swing and infant car seat that have been in storage. Rooney also still loves to ride in her stroller so we will need to look into double strollers too!
  • Mommy thoughts:
    • I am really excited to have a son and complete our family. I can't wait to see him and to share his name with everyone!
    • I know THREE people who had baby girls on Wednesday. Isn't that crazy? Their names are Ella, Ivy and Poppy.
    • It's May now, so that means he is coming NEXT MONTH!
    • We are having maternity photos taken tomorrow!
    • I don't want to seem ungrateful for being allowed to carry this life, but this is the point when I start to get a conscious about my body. I'm starting to swell, my leg hair is growing faster than I can keep up with, my belly button is doing something weird, and it's hard to bend over. I just don't feel like myself, which can be hard some days.