31 things I'm grateful for in January

  1. Personalized license plates

  2. Finch affirming his baptism

  3. Finding the last of my size on the Target clearance rack

  4. A date night with Rooney at the mall

  5. Finch making a friend at Rooney’s volleyball tournament

  6. Flight time changing for the better

  7. An overturned decision

  8. Our school superintendent

  9. Watching “Gilmore Girls” with Rooney

  10. Crumbl opening up closer to home

  11. Artificial cactus

  12. When everyone in the house sleeps til 7:30 am

  13. A gorgeous snowfall

  14. Finch hugging Rooney goodbye

  15. Las Vegas public library card

  16. Spontaneous dinner out with neighbors & friends

  17. School carnival

  18. Rooney’s solo flute performance

  19. More than half my life spent with Eric & the comfort that brings

  20. Hoopla app

  21. Finch’s vision therapy team

  22. Planoly app

  23. eBay finds

  24. Playing Tetris with Eric

  25. “Special Forces” show (FOX)

  26. A book I couldn’t put down

  27. Crumbl blueberry muffin cookie

  28. When Finch asks to go to bed early

  29. Urgent Care appointments

  30. Intuition

  31. Eating dinner as a family