31 things I'm grateful for in May

  1. Chick-fil-A brownies

  2. Finding a lost sock

  3. Pulling a loose tooth

  4. Walking to dinner

  5. May Day baskets

  6. Surprising Rooney with Taylor Swift tickets

  7. Junk Day

  8. Chaperoning Finch’s field trip to the zoo

  9. Rooney’s dance recital

  10. Homemade Mother’s Day gifts

  11. Breakfast in bed from Finch

  12. Garmin smartwatch

  13. Fifth grade clap out

  14. Family pizza & game night

  15. A family game of four square

  16. Big League Chew

  17. Our nephew’s high school graduation

  18. Neighborhood hangouts

  19. A clean van

  20. Shooting hoops with Finch

  21. Both kids singing Taylor Swift in the back seat

  22. Watching NCAA softball on the deck with Eric on the most beautiful Sunday afternoon

  23. Walking to the grocery store

  24. Rooney’s bustling social life

  25. Memorial Day weekend in Okoboji

  26. Lunch date with Eric to celebrate 20 years together

  27. Monopoly Deal

  28. Our summer nanny

  29. A husband who will kill bugs for me even though he hates it as much as I do

  30. Coming home from vacation to a clean house

  31. Queer Eye season 7