30 things I'm grateful for in September

“The quickest way to get rich is to think of everything you’re grateful for in this moment.” —Light Watkins

  1. The color fuchsia

  2. Screen mirroring

  3. Watching my kids ride off to school on their bikes

  4. Finding the perfect birthday outfit

  5. Brownie batter cookie from Crumbl

  6. Frame TV

  7. Attending our first USWNT game as a family

  8. Tubi

  9. Husband to the rescue when I locked myself out of my van

  10. Finch starting vision therapy

  11. Hearing a marching band practicing in the distance

  12. Carpet ball

  13. Fall temps

  14. Feeling part of a community

  15. Kids’ activities in full swing

  16. Biking to brunch

  17. Date night

  18. Playing kickball in the yard

  19. Watching Dancing with the Stars with Roo

  20. Watching Roo pitch in her softball game

  21. Family economy system

  22. Getting my nails painted

  23. Wedding reception fun

  24. Pesto chicken pasta

  25. Free lunch days at work

  26. Cyclones beating the Hawkeyes

  27. Accompanying Roo on her class field trip

  28. School spirit

  29. Homecoming parade with friends

  30. An unexpected, generous gift