Rooney is 5!


Rooney is 5!

We celebrated with a family party (shared with her 6-year-old cousin, Mylie), and she also had her first friend party with eight of her closest friends (and her little brother) at an inflatable indoor playground.


On her actual birthday, we hung streamers outside her bedroom. She requested banana bread for breakfast and Applebee's for supper. We gave her a wall calendar, washi tape, velcro catch game and Legos.

That week we also did a bunch of fun things around that mall that she has asked to do over the past year and I've promised "We can do that on your birthday." It was time for me to pay up! Including renting a $7 double stroller...which I thought was $3 or I probably never would have promised it...but it made her so happy! She also wanted to ride a few rides and get some candy out of the vending machine :-)


Five seems so grown! She will graduate from preschool in just six weeks. She's all signed up for kindergarten in the fall and has had her necessary eye exam, dentist exam and doctor's visit (two shots and zero tears!). She is 47 inches tall (99%) and weighs 46.5 pounds (83%).

Rooney is a classic first-born. She wants to please everyone, and is a rule-follower and care-taker. She is the best big sister. She loves art projects, preschool and temporary tattoos. She is naturally athletic and is happiest when eating.

She does not like toilets that automatically flush or getting her hands dirty. She’s a thinker and very cautious. She takes out the recycling, empties the dishwasher and likes to organize the shoes in our entryway. Sometimes she folds her own laundry because she wants it "to be perfect." She can’t wait until she is old enough for Harry Potter. We are so blessed by her!


I've asked Rooney the same questions around her birthday the past two's what she said this year:

Favorite color: Purple

Favorite toy: Dolls

Favorite fruit: Bananas

Favorite TV show: Moana

Favorite food? Mac and cheese

Favorite outfit? My Rainbow Dash dress

Favorite game? The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game

Favorite animal? Zebra

Favorite song? "Jingle Bells"

Favorite book? Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes

Best friend: Caleb Q ...actually Finchy is my best friend.

Favorite thing to do outside? Play on the playground

Favorite drink? Lemonade

Favorite thing to sleep with in your bed at night: Stuffed animal

Favorite thing to eat on your birthday: Cake

What you want to be when you grow up: A teacher

Bedtime: 7 o'clock

Class at school: 4-year-old preschool 

Favorite thing to do with mommy? Do a puzzle

Favorite thing to do with daddy: Drive with him 

Favorite part of your body: My head

Rooney or Roo: Roo

Happiest of birthdays to my sweet, sassy, funny girl!