31 things I'm grateful for in May

These two top the list, of course. 

These two top the list, of course. 

Life has ups and downs...and I'm learning what that feels like more and more as I get older. We've had some yucky things going on this month (my grandma was diagnosed with cancer, Rooney's bedtime "routine" has officially been in whack-a-mole mode for S-I-X W-H-O-L-E M-O-N-T-H-S, I'm experiencing waves of prenatal anxiety, and some other really crappy things I can't blog about yet), so even though it may look like my life is full of gorgeous Instagram squares, please know that there are low lows going on as well. But I'm trying to focus on the good things, no matter how small. Like...

  1. Rolling luggage carts
  2. Costco
  3. Family restrooms
  4. Oxyclean
  5. That the baby didn't come yet! I really wanted him to have a June birthday.
  6. A husband to share parenting struggles with
  7. Long email updates from a faraway friend
  8. A staycation with Eric
  9. A sister who loves to have Rooney stay with her
  10. Beautiful maternity photos (I will share more soon, but here's a sneak peek)
  11. That Rooney sleeps through thunderstorms
  12. My job
  13. A working washer and dryer in our house
  14. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (it's not always easy to find something Eric and I both think is funny)
  15. Edy's Grand Ice Cream Double Fudge Brownie
  16. Pitch Perfect 2
  17. A husband who comes home from work and immediately wants to take Roo to the park while I put my feet up
  18. Rooney's awesome teachers
  19. A magical Wednesday with Rooney last week
  20. A baby boy who appears to be healthy
  21. A new-to-me MacBook
  22. Finding a new yummy local restaurant
  23. Hearing my toddler tell me she loves me out of the blue
  24. Having our house featured on A Beautiful Mess
  25. Finally finding a prenatal vitamin with DHA that doesn't make me feel sick
  26. My favorite shampoo now available at Target
  27. Amazon Prime
  28. Bright pink toe nails
  29. Sleeping in til 8:00 am
  30. A husband who asks me to cuddle with him as we fall asleep
  31. Neighborhood playmates for Roo (they run around in their Elsa dresses and it is too cute!)