how to get a Rooney to eat peas

Photo Sep 29, 5 11 57 PM.jpg
Photo Sep 29, 5 16 31 PM.jpg
Photo Sep 29, 5 29 15 PM.jpg

How cute is this construction plate and silverware? Not only is it orange (her favorite favorite color), but it's made in the U.S. and BPA- and PVC-free. Rooney loves to push the peas onto her spoon, shovel them into her mouth, and then do it again! It's made mealtime super fun (and productive!).

Thank you to Uncommon Goods for sending over this plate for Rooney to try! Uncommon Goods is a fun, quirky website that offers great gifts for womengifts for men, and gifts for kids. At the core, they're a really great company that celebrates independent artists, cares about the environment and donates a portion of each order to charity. I'm a big fan.

And because I'm a big girl and already eat all my peas, they graciously sent me this lovely handmade basket. It is so gorgeous and the perfect size. I'm in love!

Of course, Rooney already thinks it's hers...

Not so fast, sister.

AND, because you're awesome and I love you, today I'm giving away a $25 gift certificate to Uncommon Goods to one of you! Just enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Here are a few ideas on how to spend it if you win:

P.S. I just have to show you Rooney's awesome face when she eats chips. Makes me laugh every time!